True & Fair Party expecting Gen Z voting bump
Our representative survey of 2,017 Gen Z (18-26 year old) respondents for True & Fair party shows strong support for rejoining the EU and compulsory voting, with an added Bank Holiday to do so, along with promising signs for voting turnout among the age group in the next General Election.
Q1. Which of the following are the most important issues to you? (Please select up to three)
Cost of living: 61.3%
NHS: 49.3%
Climate change and the environment: 30.4%
Housing: 30.2%
Education: 15.1%
Employment prospects: 11.4%
The state of my local high street: 6.6%
Tuition fees: 5.2%
None of the above: 18.2%
Strengthen: 40.7%
No change: 36.3%
Weaken: 23.1%
Strongly support: 38.6%
Support: 22.3%
Neither support nor oppose: 28.6%
Oppose: 4%
Strongly oppose: 6.5%
Q4. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the UK should rejoin the European Union (EU)?
Strongly support: 36%
Support: 18.1%
Neither support nor oppose: 27.4%
Oppose: 8.3%
Strongly oppose: 10.2%
Q5. Do you intend to vote in the next general election?
Yes: 75.7%
No: 24.3%
Gina Miller, Leader of the True & Fair Party, said:
“With a general election on the horizon, Gen Z is emerging as a decisive force that could make or break political fortunes at the next election. Young people are not only the future of this country, but crucially, the present. They have the drive to vote, but many have lost all confidence in the main status quo parties.
“While the majority of Gen Z were denied a voice at the historic EU referendum, we must ensure they are not left behind in the post-Brexit era. Crucially, they look forward to the day when Britain retakes its place in the European Union.
“Gen Z is the most diverse, educated and politically aware generation in history. The major parties must take note – they ignore the perspectives of these young voices at their peril.”
About the survey
Find Out Now interviewed 2,017 UK adults aged 18-26 between the 20th of December 2023 and the 2nd of January 2024. The data was weighted to be representative using quotas for gender and UK region.
Find Out Now are members of the British Polling Council and Market Research Society Company Partners, and abide by their rules