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Only 28% of junior school parents currently plan for child vaccine

Chris Holbrook Find Out Now Market Research

Chris Holbrook

17th Mar, 2022 | 3 mins read

In a poll of 1,919 parents of 5-11 year olds for The Mail on Sunday, we found that more parent’s are planning not to vaccinate their children, than parents who are. Still more parents are currently unsure.

Do you plan on getting your child(ren) aged 5-11 vaccinated against Covid-19?

I don’t know36%
My child/ren is/are already vaccinated4%

When “No” respondents were asked “Why?“, the most common reasons were:

  • Don’t want it
  • Unnecessary
  • Not enough testing on children

5% of the parents interviewed reported not being vaccinated themselves, and, of these respondents, 94% of them do no currently plan to get their children vaccinated.

On 16th of February 2022, Health Secretary Sajid Javid announced that six million children in the UK aged five to 11 will be offered the Covid-19 vaccination.

The dose is to be a third of the strength of an adult dose, as per guidance from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) 

The results of this survey suggest that convincing parents to take up the opportunity might not be so straightforward.

About the survey

The survey targeted 2,115 UK adults who have previously answered that they have children born in 2011, 2012, 2013. 2014, 2015, 2016, and/or 2017, between the 9th and 10th of March. They were asked to confirm, and those who did not were removed from the sample. No weighting was applied

Photo by CDC on Unsplash