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Would we miss Facebook? Apparently not.

Chris Holbrook Find Out Now Market Research

Chris Holbrook

25th Sep, 2020 | 2 mins read

56% of UK Facebook users wouldn’t care or would actually be glad if Facebook was shutdown in the UK. 

This week, The Guardian reported that Facebook has warned that it may pull out of Europe if the Irish data protection commissioner enforces a ban on sharing data with the US.

Asked how they would feel if Facebook was permanently shut down within the UK, 45% of users said they’d be ‘indifferent’, while only 44% said they would be upset by this, 11% said they would be “Happy” or Overjoyed.

Facebook stated that if they were forced to cease the transfer of user data to the US, they were not sure how they could continue to provide their Facebook and Instagram services within the EU.

Although Facebook use is still very widespread across the UK (72% according to our poll), you might conclude that that much of it is an unwanted habit.

About the survey

The survey of 10,000 members of Pick My Postcode was conducted on Thursday 24th September.