Most in England and Wales think Brexit was a mistake
In a poll for the True & Fair Party, led by Gina Miller, we find that 52.6% of adults in England & Wales think that we were wrong to vote to leave the EU, compared to just 30.9% thinking it was right. This is particularly so among millennials and younger age groups.
In hindsight, do you think Britain was right or wrong to vote to leave the EU?
Right: 30.9%
Wrong: 52.6%
I don’t know: 16.5%
‘Wrong’ by age group:
18-24: 65.8%
25-34: 76%
35-44: 66.1%
45-54: 55.6%
55-64: 37%
65+: 27%
Other points:
- 13.1% of 2016 Leave voters think leaving the EU was wrong, compared to 73.6% who think it was right.
- 72% of 2019 Conservative voters think it was right, compared to only 5.3% of Labour.
- 90.7% of Labour voters think it was wrong, compared to just 17.5% of Conservative
- More answered Wrong in every region apart from East Midlands where the same number chose Right (39.4% each)
About the survey
Find Out Now interviewed 4,576 GB adults on 2023-06-20, and produced a sample of 2,019 respondents which is representative of the specified regions by: Gender, Age, Social Class, Region, Brexit Vote, and 2019 General Election. For more information about our methodology visit our FAQ