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London Mayoral Poll: Mid-November 2023

Chris Holbrook Find Out Now Market Research

Chris Holbrook

18th Nov, 2023 | 5 mins read

With the London mayoral election scheduled for May next year, Find Out Now conducted a hypothetical poll for the Evening Standard asking a representative sample of 1,014 Londoners how they intend to vote. Jeremy Corbyn, who has floated running for mayor, has been added to our poll to gauge the impact his candidacy would have if he were to enter the race.


Since Jeremy Corbyn has not confirmed his candidacy, we asked those who selected Jeremy Corbyn who their second choice was. These were then added to the tallies of the other candidates to produce the below result. 

After removing Jeremy Corbyn, Labour saw the biggest increase in vote share (jumping from 39% to 46%). The Greens also see a significant jump, from 6% to 9% after Jeremy Corbyn is removed as an option.

If there was a London mayoral election tomorrow, who would you vote for?


Non-Turnout Adjusted

On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely do you think you are to vote if there was a London mayoral election tomorrow? (0 – certain not to vote, 10 – certain to vote).

If there was a London mayoral election tomorrow, who would you vote for? (without Jeremy Corbyn)

If there was a London mayoral election tomorrow, who would you vote for? (with Jeremy Corbyn)

Turnout Adjusted

On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely do you think you are to vote if there was a London mayoral election tomorrow? (0 – certain not to vote, 10 – certain to vote).

If there was a London mayoral election tomorrow, who would you vote for? (without Jeremy Corbyn)

If there was a London mayoral election tomorrow, who would you vote for? (with Jeremy Corbyn)

Find Out Now interviewed 2,730 London adults between 2023-11-6 to 2023-11-10, and produced a sample of 1,014 respondents which is representative of the London population by: Gender, Age, Social Class, Brexit Vote, and 2019 General Election. Would not vote, don’t know, prefer not to say responses were excluded.

Find Out Now are members of the British Polling Council and Market Research Society and abide by their rules.

For further information, or to request a poll or survey, contact us on ask@findoutnow.co.uk.

Photo by Anthony Delanoix on Unsplash