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Labour Conference Reaction for Sky News

Chris Holbrook Find Out Now Market Research

Chris Holbrook

13th Oct, 2023 | 7 mins read

Following Keir Starmer’s closing speech at the Labour Party Conference in Liverpool on Tuesday 10th of October, we polled a nationally representative sample of 2,019, and a sample of 1,005 Labour Party Members, for Politics Hub with Sophy Ridge on Sky News.

Rachel Reeve’s Speech

Q1.  How would you rate Rachel Reeve’s speech at the Labour Party Conference on Monday?

Nationally representative

1 – Very poor: 5.4%
2: 2.1%
3: 3.6%
4: 3.6%
5 – Excellent: 5.3%
I didn’t watch/listen to it: 80.1%
AVG: 3.1%

Of those who watched 27.1% thought it was ‘Very poor’ Vs. 26.6% ‘Excellent’.  Or you could say 27% Vs 27%.
Of those who watched 37.7% had a negative view Vs. 44.7% positive.

Labour Party members

1 – Very poor: 1%
2: 1.4%
3: 5.6%
4: 16.2%
5 – Excellent: 36.6%
I didn’t watch/listen to it: 39.1%
AVG: 4.4%

Of those who watched 1.6% thought it was ‘Very poor’ Vs. 60.1% ‘Excellent’.
Of those who watched 3.9% had a negative view Vs. 86.7% positive

Nationally representative results / Labour Party Member results

Keir Starmer’s Speech

Q2.  How would you rate Keir Starmer’s speech at the Labour Party Conference on Tuesday?

Nationally representative

1 – Very poor: 5.6%
2: 3%
3: 3%
4: 2.7%
5 – Excellent: 4.1%
I didn’t watch/listen to it: 81.7%
AVG: 2.8%

Of those who watched 30.6% thought it was ‘Very poor’ Vs. 22.4% ‘Excellent’.  Or you could say 31% Vs 22%
Of those who watched 47% had a negative view Vs. 37.2% positive

Labour Party members

1 – Very poor: 2.3%
2: 1.7%
3: 6.4%
4: 17.2%
5 – Excellent: 36%
I didn’t watch/listen to it: 36.4%
AVG: 4.3%

Of those who watched 3.6% thought it was ‘Very poor’ Vs. 56.6% ‘Excellent’.
Of those who watched 6.3% had a negative view Vs. 83.6% positive.

Nationally representative results / Labour Party Member results

Starmer’s Performance as Leader

Q3.  Do you think Starmer is doing well, or badly, in his job as Leader of the Opposition?

Nationally representative

Well: 21.1% (5.3% Very)
Neither well nor badly: 14.8%
Badly: 23% (11.4% Very)
I don’t know: 41%

Labour Party members

Well: 71.6% (34.5% Very)
Neither well nor badly: 12.2%
Badly: 11.1% (3.2% Very)
I don’t know: 5.1%

Nationally representative results / Labour Party Member results

House Building

Q4. Labour have announced plans to build 1.5 million homes over five years should they win the next election. How much do you trust them to deliver on this plan?

Nationally representative

Very much: 5.4%
Somewhat: 23.2%
Not at all: 38.6%
I don’t know: 32.7%

28.6% at least “somewhat” trust Labour to deliver Vs. 38.6% Not at all

Labour Party members

Very much: 38.6%
Somewhat: 50.5%
Not at all: 5.4%
I don’t know: 5.4%

89.1% at least “somewhat” trust Labour to deliver Vs. 5.4% Not at all

Nationally representative results / Labour Party Member results

The Party of Working People?

Q5. Which of the following, if either, do you think is the “party of working people”?

Nationally representative

Labour Party: 32%
Conservative Party: 7.6%
Neither: 60.4%

Nationally representative results

Trust with the Economy

Q6. Which of the following do you currently trust more with the economy?

Nationally representative

Labour Party: 29.8%
Conservative Party: 20%
I don’t know: 50.3%

Nationally representative results

About the survey

Find Out Now interviewed 2,908 GB adults from 2023-10-10 to 2023-10-11, and produced a sample of 2,019 respondents which is nationally representative by: Gender, Age, Social Class, Region, Brexit Vote, and 2019 General Election.

Find Out Now also interviewed 1,005 Labour Party members from 2023-10-10 to 2023-10-12 and weighted the results by age, gender, social grade and region.

Find Out Now are members of the British Polling Council and Market Research Society Company Partners, and abide by their rules.