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Channel 4 News Poll: Half of Scottish voters would vote SNP if it could lead to Independence

Chris Holbrook Find Out Now Market Research

Chris Holbrook

24th Nov, 2022 | 5 mins read

Our nationally representative poll of 1,006 Scottish voters for Channel 4 News has found that more than half of Scottish voters (51%) would vote SNP if their vote was used as a mandate to negotiate independence with the UK Government, compared to 33% saying No. However, 61% answered “Scottish economy and public services”, compared to 26% answering “Scottish Independence” when asked what is most important.

The poll was conducted in the afternoon after the Supreme Court ruled that Scotland could not legally hold another independence referendum without the support of Westminster.

The results appear to show that the Scottish public is more in favour of pursuing independence, than not. Presenter Cathy Newman put the results to the Leader of the Scottish Conservatives, Douglas Ross, who argued that Independence was distracting from other issues, like the economy.

Q1. Would you vote SNP at the next General if a victory for them could lead to Scotland leaving the UK?

I don’t know11%
Prefer not to say5%

Full results here

Q2. Would you vote SNP at the next General Election if your vote would be used as a mandate to negotiate independence with the UK Government?

I don’t know10%
Prefer not to say6%

Full results here

Q3. What’s more important to you?

Scottish Independence26%
The Scottish economy and its public services61%
I don’t know6%
Prefer not to say7%

Full results here

Watch the clip of the Channel 4 News coverage here

About the survey

Find Out Now interviewed 1,569 Scotland Adults online on Wednesday the 23rd of November 2022. The sample was adjusted to nationally representative sample of 1,006 within 1% +/- ONS quotas for gender, age, Scottish region, and SEG.

Find Out Now are members of the Market Research Society and British Polling Council, and abides by their rules